Arrival: 9:45 AM
Dismissal: 3:45 PM
Delayed Opening: 11:45 AM
Early Dismissal: 1:30 PM
Our doors open at 9:40 am for students who are not riding the bus and will be dropped off at the main office or the flagpole (600 wing classes). Please walk your child to the main doors/flagpole. Please do not enter the lobby unless necessary. Children will not be permitted to arrive unattended. A staff member will be at the main doors/sidewalk to greet your child and guide him/her to their classroom. Parents are not permitted to walk their children to the classrooms or to the doors of the 600 wing hallway. Students who arrive on the bus are monitored as they walk to their classroom. Adults are stationed throughout the route from the bus area to the classrooms to ensure the safety of your child.
Parents/Guardians are asked to be cautious when entering and exiting the parking lot.
Parents/Guardians who are picking up their children are expected to be at the school by 3:30 pm. We ask that you please send a note in your child’s folder and / or call the main office by 2:45 pm to advise who is picking up your child. You will be asked to produce identification and sign the dismissal log. Your child will be escorted to the dismissal area and released to an adult only. As the lobby is not a large space we ask that you line up outside for dismissal. Any person picking up a child will be asked for identification. If someone other than the primary parent or legal guardian of a child comes to pick up and the main office has not been previously notified you will be called to confirm before your child is released. Please make every effort to notify the main office of who is coming to pick up your child. Emergency contacts will only be used in an emergency. Please do not assume that because a person has been listed as an emergency contact they can pick up your child without parent notification to the main office.
If a parent has not arrived to pick up a child at dismissal, he/she will be sent home on the bus. It is VERY important that you communicate with the main office staff. Our buses will not leave the parking lot until ALL students have been accounted for.